Ideas for Sleeping Better & Awakening Refreshed

Getting 7-9 hours of sleep a night is the key to these well-researched benefits. If you are willing to exchange an hour of TV or Web time to experiment with sleeping as long as it takes to awake refreshed without an alarm or barking dog, these will be your rewards.

What would you give for a pill that would promise you:

  • Peaceful refreshment every night?
  • That would also improve your mood in the morning and throughout the day?
  • Improve your ability to solve problems
  • Help you avoid mistakes
  • Improve your immune system
  • Help you incorporate new learning and
  • Assist you in solving the knottiest problems of you daily life?

Getting 7-9 hours of sleep a night is the key to these well-researched benefits. If you are willing to exchange an hour of TV or Web time to experiment with sleeping as long as it takes to awake refreshed without an alarm or barking dog, these will be your rewards.

If you cheat your body of it's optimal sleep and dream time,no pills or caffeine will ever make up the difference!

Keeping a brief dream notebook will help you sleep.

  1. Follow a regular calm-down ritual of even 10 minutes before sleep. Warm shower, low lights, soothing music. TRY to go to bed near the same time 7 nights a week. Consider daily naps if you can't fit in the 7-9 hours you need to optimize the functioning of your body and your mind.
  2. Before you turn out the light, write your DAY NOTES: 3-4 lines about what you did and felt today. Get out of your system the stressors of the day.
  3. Lie down and let your mind focus on pleasant things and people. Count your blessings, or the best traits of someone you love.
  4. If troublesome thoughts intrude in the 10 -15 minutes it SHOULD take you to fall asleep, get up and write all about them in your notebook. Then return to bed. Repeat your themes of pleasant topics. If you still can't consider meditation, recordings of self-hypnosis, books on CD's, or therapy.
  5. Do not fear those 10-15 minutes it takes for non-sleep deprived people to fall asleep AFTER your head hits the pillow. If those minutes are so unpleasant to spend with yourself, you will tend to stay awake till you are exhausted and over-tired so that you can escape them by being asleep by the time your head hits the pillow. This is not healthy. You can do something about it.

Sleeping Pills: Potentially Life Saving\Potentially Deadly

If judiciously used with the fully informed agreement of your physician, modern sleeping pills can assure you restful sleep when you are unusually anxious, ill, or required to drive or perform dangerous tasks after insufficient sleep. Just knowing you COULD take a sleeping pill is sometimes enough to relax you when you are worried about not being able sleep.

However, if you abuse such drugs, it is easy to be come dependent upon them, and the result will be poorer sleep in the long run, with perhaps nasty side effects of rebound insomnia, memory loss, and pre-sleep behaviors you may regret as well as forget. There is no substitute for good sleep habits, learning how to control your anxiety to deal with the problems that keep you awake at night on a chronic level.

For people who have trouble with drug or alcohol dependency, sleeping pills are not worth the risk.

For people who learn how to use them cautiously and rarely, they can keep one awake at the wheel, awake flying a plane, awake while operating on a patient, and refreshed to deal with a beloved's funeral.

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